
Restaurant Concept Design

concept | branding

Project Description

Create a restaurant concept that reflects the sense and sensibility of an artist. Include a logo, menu and overall look and feel that represents him / her.



Gustavo Dudamel. A Venezuelan conductor and violinist. He is the music director of the Orquesta Sinfónica Simón Bolívar and the Los Angeles Philharmonic.


A non-profit restaurant that fuses Venezuelan and international cuisines. The restaurant serves as a platform for classical musicians and takes the consumers in a journey through Dudamel’s life.


Research & Insight

Who is Gustavo?

Gustavo Dudamel comes from “El Sistema”. A publicly financed voluntary sector music education program in Venezuela, founded in 1975.

He believes that music has the power to transform lives and change the world, which is why he is an advocate for arts education and social development through art.

Inspired by his childhood musical and mentoring experiences, Dudamel created “The Gustavo Dudamel Foundation” and “YOLA”.

Image from @gustavodudamel

Image from @gustavodudamel

Key Points for Restaurant Branding

  • “Social Action for Music”

  • Venezuelan gastronomy along international cuisine


The Brand Elements


The logo of the restaurant is a synopsis of Dudamel. It shows where he started as a young child, up to who he is now. The word “Sistema” dives deep into his roots by acknowledging his humble beginnings in the educational program, while the “S” showcases Dudamel’s art of directing by the use of gestures.



The cream color represents the earthy tones of the symphony halls, while the maroon comes from the violin (instrument played by Dudamel before he became a conductor). The dark blue is used to complement the rest of the colors while also slightly suggesting the colors of the Venezuelan flag.


Used for “SIstema” logo, Savoye Let gives the brand a more sophisticated look and creates a rhythm through its curves. It brings an element of music sensitivity to the brand identity.

Trade Gothic Next LT Pro is the primary display typeface used for paragraph format, or any body of text. It is used in the Menu to allow for a clean look, while it also makes it easy to read. It complements the serif typeface and creates balance.

image by josh appel - unsplashed

image by josh appel - unsplashed

images by josh appel - unsplashed

images by josh appel - unsplashed

The Mission

The mission of the restaurant ties back to his need to not only introduce classical music to new audiences, but also to provide access to the arts for countless people in underserved communities. The restaurant creates a platform for classical musicians to perform for consumers, while the profits of the restaurant are given back to the educational programs such as “YOLA” “El Sistema” and “The Gustavo Dudamel Foundation”.


The Menu

The menu takes you through Dudamel’s life. The experience starts with the “Cocktails” menu, which is in the shape of a Trumbone (Dudamel’s father used to play this instrument and he couldn’t wait for the day to follow his footsteps). The experience continues with the “Food Menu” in the shape of a Violin (Dudamel’s first instrument), and finally ends with a conductor baton to show Dudamel’s current position and role in music.

A mix between Venezuelan traditional food, and international cuisine based on places where Dudamel has lived, directed and delighted people with classical music.