Click Culture

CNN International

motion design | branding

Project Description

CNN explores how Thailand is emerging as a tech hub, with digital industries driving new areas of economic growth. Click Culture is a CNNI Special out of Hong Kong’s bureau.


The Brand Elements


Click: an act of selecting an option on an electronic interface by pressing a button or touching a screen.

Which is why the “Click” word is surrounded by a rounded rectangle to symbolize a button.

Culture: the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.

The word “Culture” is sliced to show the idea of areas coming together collectively. The 3 corners are colored, as each represents one of the 3 areas of focus in the show.



The first 3 colors represent a different area of technological impact:

Yellow: infrastructure

Green: agriculture

Orange: food supply

The lighter and darker purples are used for the overall brand and symbolizes technology.


The square pattern is taken from the logo and it is used to immerse the viewer into the different scenes. The pattern changes colors to create a smooth transition between videos and also to categorize them into the 3 different areas.

Other Deliverables

Font Straps and Transition Example


Watermark & Font Strap


Click Culture’s page on CNN International